Daily UI Challenge

A series of design exercises for 100 days

I started this challenge to work on my UI design skills and gain hands-on experience with Sketch.app and Framer. Initially, it took hours to finish a single challenge and upload it on Dribbble. However, the hours gradually reduced once I got used to the software and established my own process and templates. The challenges itself can be quite vague, especially towards the end but this gives more flexibility and freedom for interpretation. Overall, this challenge has been an invaluable experience and a fun way to learn about Sketch.app, Framer and general UI design patterns.

A minimalist trending page layout.
A design concept for a recipe app.
A promo coupon design layout for a phone retailer.
A quick design layout for a website that features best of ... under separate categories and year.
A fictional website homepage design highlighting the special weekend offer.
A crowdfunding page for a fictional product.
Onboarding UIs for a fictional app.
A mobile boarding pass concept.
A minimal weather app design concept.
A simple shopping cart icon when its empty and has items.
A quick weather icon set featuring clouds.
A minimalist design for a search function.
A design concept for job search application featuring sorting options and related job title searches.
Design concept for a calendar with a todo list feature.
A typography based design concept for invoice from friends and colleagues.
A simple progress bar indicating the reader's progress with the article using Framer.
A lightweight notes widget prototype in framer.
A design concept for confirmation on mobile devices - the user taps and holds the button for confirmation. I saw it first in this app called Fabulous and wanted to replicate the idea in Framer.
A simplistic control panel to rotate and scale an object. One of my first Framer projects.
An image slider prototype with pagination in Framer.
A loading animation sequence for hotel booking app.
A quick animation prototype for a favorite icon.
Just a simple success/failure concept animation.
Simple on/off toggle button.

See more on my Dribbble profile.